District of Lake Country — Real Estate Sales

Number of Transactions

Total Sales Volume

Total Monthly Number of Transactions

Number of real estate transactions per month

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

Total Monthly Sales Volume

Total amount of real estate sales transactions

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

Mean and Median Sales Price

Monthly trace of mean and median sales price across all properties sold

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

Property Transfer Tax Paid

Monthly trace of total property transfer tax paid for all sales

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

District of Lake Country — Real Estate Sales by Property Type

Residential Properties

Commercial Properties

Number of Transactions by Property Type

Number of real estate transactions per month per property type

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

District of Lake Country — Sales of Residential Real Estate

Single Family Homes Sales

Strata Sales

Residential Properties Sales by Property Type

Number of real estate transactions of residential properties per month per property type

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

District of Lake Country — First Time Home Buyers and Newly Built Homes

First-time Home Buyers

Newly Built Homes Sales

First-time Home Buyers and Newly Built Homes Sales

Number of real estate transactions involving first-time home buyers and newly built homes

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation

District of Lake Country — Sales of Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Property Sales

Strata Non-residential Sales

Commercial Properties Sales by Property Type

Number of real estate transactions of commercial properties per month per property type

Data source: Ministry of Finance - Property Taxation